Renaming of the Glaubackerstrassein Agathe-Doposcheg-Schwabenau-Strasse

FEMALE* UPGRADE demands the renaming of the Glaubackerstrasse to Agathe-Doposcheg-Schwabenau-Strasse in Linz (AT). Franz Glaubacker was a painter who lived during the time of nationalsocialism and was a member of the NSDAP.
Agathe Doposcheg-Schwabenau was a very active female artist who lived in Linz around 1900.

The aim of the project is to give attention to a female artist, who did significant things for the art scene of Linz. With the renaming of the street the confessing nationalsocialist Franz Glaubacker will be removed from the cityscape to transfer the public reverence to Agathe Doposcheg-Schwabenau. Within the project a Wikipedia entry was created for Agathe Doposcheg-Schwabenau.


Further information about the whole project can be found here:








illustration: Sarah Braid